WW1 Middlesex Regt (Somme) Officer`s Compass (Named) WW1 Middlesex Regt (Somme) Officer`s Compass (Named) WW1 Middlesex Regt (Somme) Officer`s Compass (Named) WW1 Middlesex Regt (Somme) Officer`s Compass (Named) WW1 Middlesex Regt (Somme) Officer`s Compass (Named)

WW1 Middlesex Regt (Somme) Officer`s Compass (Named)

A wonderful Magnapole field compass that belonged to 2nd Lieutenant Edward Wrey Hunby of the 6th Btn attached to 23rd (2nd football) Middlesex Regiment.
Hunby was born in India where his father held the position of Deputy Chief Engineer on the Eastern Bengal State Railway, he was educated at Magdalen J School in Oxford and then passed on to Felsted where he became a member of the OTC, he obtained a commission in the Middlesex Regt in 1915 and then in May 1916 with the Battalion was sent to the frontline in France.
The 23rd Btn were concentrated between Hazebrouck & Bailleul and in the same year saw action at the battle of Flers-Courcelette and the battle of Transloy Ridges on the Somme.
After 2 months at the front Hunby fell ill and was invalided home where he died of tuberculosis on the 30th April 1917.
Hunby`s medal index card still exists, he was entitled to the Victory & War medal and states France as theatre of war.
The compass is in good working order and has Hunby`s name & Regt lightly scratched on the back plate, the leather case is also in very good order apart from the rear belt loop is now missing.
An on-line search carried out by just entering his name comes up with Friends of Hastings Cemetery which details his life & death at the age of barely 21.

Code: 50689